Thursday, April 12, 2012

Diablo III Lacks Run/Walk - Page 2

[:1]Running away =/= action in an ARPG.|||Exactly...|||The first time I played, I had run toggled off and was walking around everywhere. It was only when my friend came over did he show me that I could move faster. Throughout multiple installs, I have always disabled the run/walk toggle key whenever I install the game.

To me, the slower movement speed is useless. I am too impatient.

Whether walking slower to take less damage is a fun and challenging mechanic isn't really for me to decide, but I know I'd rather just run everywhere.|||Quote:

Running away =/= action in an ARPG.

neither does teleport

or cloak of shadows

or dim vision

or summoning 15 skeletons and sitting back while they do all the work

sometimes you have to run away -- cold sorceress surrounded by cold immunes

what's the point standing there casting a useless blizzard and frozen orb ??|||You mean teleporting onto someone, making it easier to hit, putting up a defense, and actively attacking?

PS: building with no insight about the game isn't smart, action or no action. Running won't help a cold sorc against immunes; she's fubar.|||Diablo 1 did it right, imho. I mean, I was 8 or 9 when I played it, and the restricted movement gave you the urge to play cautiously, not run around, and run away when it suits you(D2)...

The Butcher scared me ****less on D1, and longed for that in D2. It never came...

D3, with somewhat limited mobility would scare the sh!t out of the new, younger generation of gamers. Or at least, I hope it does!|||I wouldn't mind a toggle for run/walk in D3, but to exclude the ability to run would be a bad turn on what looks like fast paced combat. That is not to say you should outrun mobs, you shouldn't, you should fight your way not run or teleport to the boss.

I always hated and still hate when your low level character runs out of stamina in D2 though. I don't think it adds to the atmosphere it's just a chore what with having to carry stamina pots with you.

As it is I think the current speed of characters in D3 looks appropriate. You don't outrun everything yet you're not slow either.|||Quote:

Diablo 1 did it right, imho. I mean, I was 8 or 9 when I played it, and the restricted movement gave you the urge to play cautiously, not run around, and run away when it suits you(D2)...

The Butcher scared me ****less on D1, and longed for that in D2. It never came...

D3, with somewhat limited mobility would scare the sh!t out of the new, younger generation of gamers. Or at least, I hope it does!

Then you might want to play the end of Act 2.|||Thanks, I remembered that! Yeah, Duriel scared the sh!t out of me, I actually fell from my chair back then. I'm kinda claustrophobic, and that scene where a giant bug in a small room freaked me out.|||It's an interesting and basic question - whether we'll be able to toggle run/walk. So far, in the floor demos at Blizzcons, I don't believe there has been the ability to do so. However, if we look at the Wizard and Monk reveal trailers, they've clearly created the walk animation (also for the Demon Hunter trailer, since they merely used the game engine to render a higher poly model of her). If only for flavor purposes, I'd like the ability to toggle run/walk.

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