Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cancellation of Combo and/or Reversion to Lower Levels?

What is your opinion of this? Should a monk be able to cancel a combo so as to start over again at level 1, or perhaps revert back a single level in the event that the next strike would have been level 3? Considerations of this include the fact that D3 will likely be a fastpaced game where you'll go through all three combos pretty quickly so it might not take that long regardless + perhaps with the right skills/items the loss of the Monk's resource from just finishing off the level 3 combo might not hinder his ability to go onto the next combo/move anyway. However, for the so-called "veterans," they might like the ability to do charges in rapid succession or, in the event that the level 1 portion has a unique debuff that is preferable in that situation (i.e. say level 1 "Obliterate" reduces resistances, level 2 reduces def, and level 3 ignores target def or something AND I'm in a party with 3 wizards, I might prefer doing level 1 multiple times for added overall killing speed). The advantages of being able to do charges in rapid succession are obvious, but then in that case the cancellation/reversion would have to be as fast or faster than finishing off the combo.

Actually, is there a timer on how long the combo "holds" until it reverts back to level 1, if at all? Perhaps that's a Q for devs

In any event, feints and variability (and poking for the Tekken fans!) are large parts of a fighting game if indeed that's what they are aiming for...|||.8 to 1.6 seconds|||i read about 2 numbers: .6 seconds and, according to the jay wilson interview, "Between the completion of each stage, you have a little over half a second to initiate another combo stage" (

But I believe Wilson also said this has not been finalized, so I could see it being tweaked after further iteration.

-d|||All I ask for is the absence of proration, and more than a max of 3 successive combos.

I think the ability to go back or retain a "level" would make the Monk broken unless they do a similar system to Chrono Cross' attack gauge.

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