Friday, April 13, 2012

Seven Sided Strike overpowered?

[:1]Is it just me or is Seven Sided Strike too powerful? It's a pretty awesome skill since it's a way to teleport for fast transportation AND it's an attack that strikes seven times if there are enemies in the area. What do you think about this skill? Seems pretty flexible to me|||shhhhh! i love that skill and its not overpowered at all so no reason to nerf it aye? *checks behind curtains for blizzard agents|||Lmfao, I'm thinking the same thing man. I can't wait to use it.|||Maybe, Maybe not. So far we really only know how SSS works from last year Blizzcon.

This year it is quite high on the tier list(Tier 7, You need to be level 26 before being able to use it.).

Then we have to factor in Spirit and how much we gain it compared to how much it uses. At Blizzcon each combo skill gave 3 Spirit for a successful hit, and most of the skills that used Spirit required at least 25.|||It's still a sick skill no matter. I mean, it's one of the best transportation skills in the game at this moment. Furious charge looks good on the Barb, of course teleport, Spirit walk.. They all look good. But not as good as this one|||MiniMonk doesn't really view it as a movement skill right now. All other movement skills allow you to move into and out of combat easily, but SSS doesn't really allow the escape option. As when you use it to escape from mobs the Monk will be wasting valuable time hitting enemies at the edge of the skill range(which is quite large from what MiniMonk has seen.).

Maybe Flux can tell us if he would consider it as a movement skill. He has played the Monk when it was released last year.|||True, hopefully there will be a better movement skill in the future but it COULD be used in plenty of situations as a movement skill. If noone is in the area after the Monk strikes 3 times the Monk stops. So it's not like the Monk goes through the whole animation|||But how often are you going to use it out of battle? Your limited by Spirit which can only be gain through combo moves in battle.

Edit: After this MM kind of ran off on a tangent.

Out of all the classes(excluding the Demon Hunter since her resource system has not been implemented into the game yet.), the Monk is the only one who can't use it all the time. The Witch Doctor and Wizard can use theirs all the time(more or less) do to how the skill and their resource system work. The Barbarian, while being a bit more limited, is still able to use War Cry and then use Leap Attack.

While Blizzard might be willing to give the Monk an ability that just gives him Spirit, that skill would just be too similar to the Barbarian's.

The only way that MM thinks that Blizzard can give the Monk an easy to use movement ability is by making it a combo skill with a cooldown.|||I saw the Monk do a little 'hop' in the second 10 minute gameplay clip featuring the Demon Hunter. He was by one of those large thorned-appendage creatures.|||Balancing is something that occurs once the game has largely been finished, no real point in discussing it now, especially considering the Monk is hardly finished.

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