Does nobody think its at least a bit, i don't know, peculiar that Blizzard finds it to be necessary to keep on repeating the same joke which consist of stretching the issue to the ridiculous extremes? As if they want to tell us "haha, D3 is not that ridiculous, lol *uncomfortable laughter*" Could it be its just to cover the fact something is wrong and that nothing changed and that they lack originality?
Of course (as shown in this thread) some people just fall for it and think its so hilarious, which in turn i find to be hilarious in the "what a bunch of dumbasses" kinda way.
That massive cheer from the crowd points towards something else.
This joke is a timeless classic now and Blizzard will be repeating it for Blizzcons to come, even after D3 is released. Its classy, its super funny, and its a big punch in the face for all the irrational artwork crybabies.
A dumbass would be that skinny Chinaman who tried 2 or 3 really corny jokes/statements, and the crowd was virtually silent every time. Is he their bellboy or something? He must have felt like such a fool.
EDIT: And you cant say Blizzard dont give a crap, look what they did to the desert and tomb settings in response ... they are so dark they put D1 to shame. But Im not whining, its all good. Variety is the key.|||What "rainbow petition"? Plus, the joke is not even Blizzards. (how pathetic is that?)
(I also didn't say Blizzard doesn't give a crap, which makes it doubly dubious)|||Quote:
What "rainbow petition"? Plus, the joke is not even Blizzards. (how pathetic is that?)
(I also didn't say Blizzard doesn't give a crap, which makes it doubly dubious)
The petition .... Have you been living under a rock?
The joke isnt Blizzard's? Its origins maybe not, but they expanded on it with the extremely popular tshirt (trying to get one from somewhere and go to next years Blizzcon with it, good luck with that) and now this awesome monk joke.|||Quote:
What "rainbow petition"? Plus, the joke is not even Blizzards. (how pathetic is that?)
(I also didn't say Blizzard doesn't give a crap, which makes it doubly dubious)
People started a petition to get rid of the bright colours/rainbow shown in the 20 minute demo when D3 was first announced. Blizzard have since worn t-shirts and shown the Rainbow Kick skill for the Monk, which makes it Blizzard's joke IMO|||This is classic Diablo - take some issue that the fan base has an irrational response to and go way overboard with it.
The Cow Quest was first,
Which was followed by the Cow Level,
And now it has shifted to rainbows.|||Quote:
The petition .... Have you been living under a rock?
The joke isnt Blizzard's? Its origins maybe not, but they expanded on it with the extremely popular tshirt (trying to get one from somewhere and go to next years Blizzcon with it, good luck with that) and now this awesome monk joke.
I don't remember any petition solely to get rid of rainbows, i think the rainbow joke skewed your memory.
Anyways, i don't see them making jokes on the tetris system, i don't see them making jokes on the death proof system and both those issues were as much laughed at by Blizzard fanboys as the art issue. Did they get rid of green (purple/whatever) sourceless lighting? It seems so doesn't it. Maybe they don't want to admit people had a point.|||I am really really hoping for a magic unicorn level now. Come on it is so setup like the Cow level. Next Blizzcon the employees will be wearing there is no rainbow unicorn level tee-shirts.|||Quote:
EDIT: And you cant say Blizzard dont give a crap, look what they did to the desert and tomb settings in response ... they are so dark they put D1 to shame.
I'm pretty sure those levels were planned to be like that long before people started crying. People don't realize that bliz only showed us the first part of their game, a part which they said themselves is lighter and brighter then the end acts.|||Quote:
I hope they do, just to spite you.
omg YES!!

I'm pretty sure those levels were planned to be like that long before people started crying. People don't realize that bliz only showed us the first part of their game, a part which they said themselves is lighter and brighter then the end acts.
Yep, Jay Wilson mentioned it in that last ign interview. Of course they said so back then as well but all those people wouldn't listen. Game gets darker as you go through it.
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