Like the Siegebreaker seen in the first gameplay video.
Would be difficult to show in the game. Although, it would not be easy to do a throwing animation that looks good on monsters of very different sizes.|||Well... Certainly so... Instead of a throw skill, it could pretty much be a knockback skill... which with small enemies looks like throw while with big ones looks like a knockback palm...|||I was thinking that he could have a image of himself as a larger version of holy light for the bigger monsters and tossing them.
Something like this would be a sweet throw:|||Well not all ennemies are humanoids... Some don't even have arms ! How do you grab a giant snake, spider... You need to think of something that could applied of all sorts of shapes, sizes.
A hit is easy, you can hit nearly everything in the same way (although hitting the toes of some giant monsters always looks a bit silly) but grabbing and throwing would perhaps require different animations depending on the ennemy (and they already have so many to do...

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