I figure, nothing ninja, but maybe various simple weapons like clubs, quarterstaves, maybe spears. And of course, his fists. It would be nice if his weapon choice has some overlap with those of other classes, rather than him just doing his own thing.|||As long as I get an upped Ribcracker staff, I'm good

Oh, and CLAWS!!!! O.O My weapons finally return!
Or see if he gets a bonus to hits if unarmed (like how Vhaidra is stronger in BG: DA2).|||Apart from claws which apparently are official, some other 2-handed staff like weapon (spears? Dual-bladed polearms?) will be the obvious choice.
And having not to worry about which no weapon to use at the start is also an enticing option.|||They wouldn't just make bare fists a viable end-middle game weapon, at the very least you would have to find some barbed wire to wrap them up with, gothic knuckle-dusters anyone?
There is only one weapon i want my monk to have, the badass huge mace that the Nazgul rider had in the 3rd Lord of the Rings movie when he was trying to kill the chick. That mace is ****en cool! And my monk must have it! dont want winging about doesn't fit his theme. He is a badass and does flips and **** and can hurl a massive mace at people. What more would you want?|||I'd like for him to use ANY weapon in the game, but I doubt that will happen. When you think about it, monks would be highly trained so they should be allowed to improvise and pick up any old weapon off the ground and use it like a pro.|||Yes, my prayers were heared. A fast melee combat class.
My weapon wishes, i think they referred to as Wu-Shu weapons:
- Jian-Sword
- Dao-Sword
- San Jie Gun/Sam Jit Gwun/Sansetsukon (three-parted staff)
- folding fan, female only of course

- halberd
- spear
- whips
- sheng biao (rope with arrowhead at the end)
- shuang gao (tigerhead hooks)
- Yueyachan (staff with axe and crescent blade)
- Liuxingchui (Meteor hammer: two weights connected by a rope or chain)
and my favorite wish (yes iknow it is not really monk-like): Nunchaku|||Quote:
Yes, my prayers were heared. A fast melee combat class.
My weapon wishes, i think they referred to as Wu-Shu weapons:
- Jian-Sword
- Dao-Sword
- San Jie Gun/Sam Jit Gwun/Sansetsukon (three-parted staff)
- folding fan, female only of course

- halberd
- spear
- whips
- sheng biao (rope with arrowhead at the end)
- shuang gao (tigerhead hooks)
- Yueyachan (staff with axe and crescent blade)
- Liuxingchui (Meteor hammer: two weights connected by a rope or chain)
and my favorite wish (yes iknow it is not really monk-like): Nunchaku
Haha yeah but he's not really that Oriental. Just because he's a monk doesn't mean he's Asian. Also, I can imagine getting really pissed off seeing all these dumb Monk-only weapons dropping. They would also feel pretty out of place.|||Your weapon wishes are for real monks, Monks made those weapons because only the King's army were able to carry real weapons such as swords, thats why Monks used staffs because they were walking sticks they were aloud to carry them.
As for monk weapons in D2, it wont matter that much, claws will be cool but dont seem that monk like, he is holy and puts his fist through demons i wont care what weapon he bludgeons them with, he is already a badass|||We'll definitely see more exotic weapon choices in line with their class-only drops.|||I want a folding ladder.
I want a eight foot length of bamboo that gets progressively more deadly as you use it.
I want game designers to stop wussyfooting around the issue of monks by trying to make them "pan-cultural" types and just own up to the fact that every RPG in existence takes the Monk class straight from the Shaolin temple.
Then at least we could have Monks that every person and their dog would recognize and play. Or model them after Jackie Chan/Jet li/Bruce Lee. Fighting monks are Chinese, frikkin deal with it already!
Oh and add in rencarl's suggested weapons already, good list.
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