Monday, April 16, 2012

Is there a skill for Monk to throw some fireballs? - Page 2

Dragon touch

First hit: Knockback

Second hit: Charge up move, increasing the damage of final combo move by 1/3

Third hit: Shoots fireball|||Quote:

Dragon touch

First hit: Knockback

Second hit: Charge up move, increasing the damage of final combo move by 1/3

Third hit: Shoots fireball

Something like this.

Surely they wouldn't pass up something so cool. As long as it's part of a combo, there's no way it will become spammable. The Monk will still be primarily melee, it's just an added option which could be very useful from time to time.|||Quote:

Dragon touch

First hit: Knockback

Second hit: Charge up move, increasing the damage of final combo move by 1/3

Third hit: Shoots fireball

Yep, something like this.

I don't see a simple Fireball happening simply because a Range projectile seems to contradicts the Monk's playstyle.

But just make Fire--> Holy Fire and you're set to go, even Lore-wise.|||The monk is supposed to be a Martial Arts master. Remember the Assassin in Diablo II where she has all sort of mixed stuff in her Martial Arts tree. There was fire, ice, lightning attacks and lots of physical attacks. So imo it does not seem that far off if they give the monk a fireball attack or something similar like that. It could be based on his martial arts skill than his holy spells. So Imo lorewise they could give him almost anything.

I dont think there will not be any sort of playstyle problem either since probably 80% of his skills will be melee anyway.|||Then again sins were a secluded branch of elemental Vizjerei >>|||Well if they explode stuff with their palms, I dont think a few fireballs would be a problem. :P

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