I'm excited about the idea of a staff-wielding melee character. Claw weapons are a little passe for me, but no more so than axes or swords. In the Q&A the designers stated that Monks would also be able to use a couple of other weapons. What weapons do you guys think the monk will be allowed to use?
I'm guessing pole arms, since they are functionally similar to how staves would be used with the Monk's skill set. I'm a little bit more stumped regarding any other weapons he would use. Throwing weapons maybe? Every character needs some sort of ranged option.
I guess I am saying Monks will be using staves, claws, pole arms, and throwing weapons such as knives. The other option is a sling. I think a few sling skills would be fantastic, and a sling using character would look very, very cool if done right.
Thoughts?|||Monks uses fists.|||Hmmmm ... Katanas?
Would fit the theme..no?|||Looks like Blizzard thinks otherwise, at least in artworks: Monk
And for skills description we know so far there was no restriction so use what you like.|||I would like an option to make your fists viable weapons even at higher lvs. |||Quote:
I would like an option to make your fists viable weapons even at higher lvs.
They're called claw weapons. They've already stated that much, and the use of a staff. In the recently posted Q&A on the main page it is stated that they also can use a couple extra weapons. I don't even like the monk using weird claw weapons as they seem to detract from the simplicity of his style. So I am with you, but I don't think it's in the plans as they have claw weapons already on the Monk's main page.
Hmmmm ... Katanas?
Would fit the theme..no?
I would say probably not, as traditional style swords will already be in play and I highly doubt another "monk only" weapon will be around. Also, they fit the theme of ninja more than monk.|||Chinese fighting fan, Chinese broadsword, tonfas, and chain whip.
Yes. Look in your heart. You know it to be true.|||Pretty much everthing you said sounds good to me, add the whip chain and that would be awesome. I don't think swords fight at all really, I think I will probably be using the Monk my first run through to be honest.|||Quote:
Chinese fighting fan, Chinese broadsword, tonfas, and chain whip.
Yes. Look in your heart. You know it to be true.
I don't think it will be that oriental oriented, pardon the word play.
That is just simply not broad enough, those might be a few weapons in game but I doubt that will be the only weapons. I want to see the whip chain personally. I am also really hoping that the fists will be a viable weapon, even at higher levels. Save inventory space and money.|||A whip like weapon would be very cool, but also, once again, another monk only weapon, of which there already probably (assuming claw weapons are monk only) is one. If they do institute a 2nd Monk only weapon, a chain/whip class would be AMAZING. The only issue is the time it would take to do all of the monk's animations over for a different style of weapon....hence my guess of polearms since the animations could pretty much all be very close to what he already has with the staff.
Fists would be very cool as well, but give the monk a significant advantage in terms of resource economy. One/Two less items to worry about getting is a pretty big advantage economy wise.
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