Could you list the weapons the monk is able to use? The last quote I saw only said combat staves, fists, 1h swords, polearms and I think thats it. I'm concerned about a melee class having such a small selection of weapons available. Is part of the challenge of being a monk finding weapons you can actually use?
He can't use 2handed axes and maces, uh, wands, orbs, I think that's about it.
The game isn't done yet, there's not a whole lot of "this class should never be able to use this weapon" but a bit of "we'll try to implement these non-critical weapons if we're sure we have time".
So... if Bash's wording was right (hopefully he didn't just make a huge mistake) it seems that our monk won't be as limited as we thought...|||I don't mind either way, I'll surely be using a either combat staves or fists. Maybe a combo of both if weapon switches are available in this game?|||How would that impact Staff only and Fist only skills? Or did they scratch that?|||i really like the idea of a melee staff user, seems left out to often in rpg type games|||Quote:
How would that impact Staff only and Fist only skills? Or did they scratch that?
Maybe they changed it to two handed only and one handed only skills?|||Mmmm Rib Cracker. Lol, i have a feeling that may become one of the Monk's endgame/ultiamte tier staff weapon

Which brings up another interesting problem, what is the point of Monks using bows? If the Barbarian can still generate Fury by attacking, WD doesn't particularly care as any weapon is essentially a way to conserve mana, Wizard gets that sexay Magic Weapon spell...
But Monks just get screwed for the bow. Actually, overall, Monk may have the best working resource system, but good lord did he get screwed in build variety department because of it.
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