They kinda have to allow combo skills to work with all weapons. Otherwise you cannot use any of the skills.
Which brings up another interesting problem, what is the point of Monks using bows? If the Barbarian can still generate Fury by attacking, WD doesn't particularly care as any weapon is essentially a way to conserve mana, Wizard gets that sexay Magic Weapon spell...
But Monks just get screwed for the bow. Actually, overall, Monk may have the best working resource system, but good lord did he get screwed in build variety department because of it.
Why would you use a bow with a Monk anyway? You'd have picked the wrong class. It would be like dual wielding wands with a Barb.
The thing though about, for instance Monks with swords, is that the combo skills have particular animations, like punching. Would they have animations for every weapon type, or would the Monk punch while holding the sword?|||Quote:
Have we confirmation that barbs can just gain via bows? How would they WW?
Not confirmation, just a deduction. They gain fury with skills, dealing damage, and taking damage. I don't see why bows are excluded for this system, but a confirmation would be nice.
Why would you use a bow with a Monk anyway? You'd have picked the wrong class. It would be like dual wielding wands with a Barb.
Like using melee with a Wizard and DH? It's not like Blizzard explicitly announced and demonstrated intent to allow out-of-archetype builds oh wait...
The point is that there are 3 basic weapon types (sword/shield, 2hander, ranged) and that every class should ideally be able to use all 3 in some viable capacity. It allows interesting "off" builds for general entertainment and challenge. The Monk seems to be inherently deviating from that, even moreso than the Barbarian which is unpleasant. He probably has better suited skills for using a Bow than the Barbarian to boot, which has been confirmed to be able to use the bow.
As for Monks with Swords, well, depends on how they are animated. Blizzard stated that weapon animations are to be complete, i.e. integrated into everything the character does including skills. So there has to be *some* animation, even if it's just holding the sword while punching with the other arm.|||Quote:
Not confirmation, just a deduction. They gain fury with skills, dealing damage, and taking damage. I don't see why bows are excluded for this system, but a confirmation would be nice.
Like using melee with a Wizard and DH? It's not like Blizzard explicitly announced and demonstrated intent to allow out-of-archetype builds oh wait...
The point is that there are 3 basic weapon types (sword/shield, 2hander, ranged) and that every class should ideally be able to use all 3 in some viable capacity. It allows interesting "off" builds for general entertainment and challenge.
The Monk seems to be inherently deviating from that, even moreso than the Barbarian which is unpleasant.
As for Monks with Swords, well, depends on how they are animated. Blizzard stated that weapon animations are to be complete, i.e. integrated into everything the character does including skills. So there has to be *some* animation, even if it's just holding the sword while punching with the other arm.
No, you're wrong.
See, a Wizard using melee would still have every single Wizard skill available and useful to it.
A Monk using a bow would basically be ignoring an entire skill tree. Unless it also had skills specifically for ranged weapons, it would be like dual-wielding wands with a Barbarian--unnecessarily challenging.
Maybe some people like to handicap themselves, but you can't say it's the same thing as a legitimate alternative class archetype, because it's obviously not.|||Quote:
No, you're wrong.
So I am wrong for pointing out that some classes are completely jipped on accessible weapon variety compared to others, and that this might be a problem?
Though, to be honest, all it would take to fix this problem is give Monks a trait for gaining spirit with ranged weapon attacks. Boom, done. It will be a bit of a sideways solution, not dissimilar to the limitation of not being able to use some many skills with a ranged weapon ala the Barbarian, but it will be at least be an option in line with what other classes have.|||Quote:
So I am wrong for pointing out that some classes are completely jipped on accessible weapon variety compared to others, and that this might be a problem?
Though, to be honest, all it would take to fix this problem is give Monks a trait for gaining spirit with ranged weapon attacks. Boom, done. It will be a bit of a sideways solution, not dissimilar to the limitation of not being able to use some many skills with a ranged weapon ala the Barbarian, but it will be at least be an option in line with what other classes have.
You're wrong that Monks should be able to have viable builds with bows. Not every class needs to be able to do everything.
In Diablo II the Necromancer, for example, could use bows, of course he could, but if you want to play as an archer and you pick Necro, you picked the wrong class. It wouldn't be a 'Bow Necro' build, it would be playing with a handicap.
The developers stated that if they feel something fits a class, they will integrate it. Melee Wizard made sense to them, so they did it. If Monk archer becomes an option, they'll do that too. But there's no point to shoehorn every build option into every class just for the sake of it.|||And yet, in Diablo 2, you could build bow Sorceresses and bow Paladins despite them being "clearly the wrong classes" for it, builds that were neither ineffective nor unfun. The Diablo 3 Barbarian and Monk have skills that work perfectly well with bows. The Barbarian doesn't really need strong support beyond a couple of bow traits, same could be said for the Monk.
Regardless, the argument was over when the possibility of Spirit generation with traits came up. You won't convince me that "it shouldn't be done" by giving such arbitrary reasons, and implementation to introduce a whole variety of these builds takes relatively a small effort as long as Blizzard is willing to do the animations for Bows/Crossbows. It doesn't need to be as fully supported as the Wizard options are, it just need to not be as restricted as the current Monk implementation is.
If you want, just look at the skillsets again:
Both Barb and Monk have enough skills to be theoretically built without using melee/combos, as long as the resource generation support is there.|||i laugh at all your examples as most are viable fun builds in D2.
A barb duel wielding wands and a bow/sword on switch is a build.
Paladins with bow is a build.
Sin's with a bow works quite well as well.
I had a nice zeal sorc and bow sorc|||Quote:
You're wrong that Monks should be able to have viable builds with bows. Not every class needs to be able to do everything.
In Diablo II the Necromancer, for example, could use bows, of course he could, but if you want to play as an archer and you pick Necro, you picked the wrong class. It wouldn't be a 'Bow Necro' build, it would be playing with a handicap.
playing with handicap?
so to take the best crowd contol character with the most minions to function as a roadblock for monsters trying to get in close on the necro is in some way difficult for you?
Heck i have done it many many times since the summoner necro more or less is only there to boost his army anyway.
also with the help of the curses any damage the necro is dealing is doubled against most monsters and that is before you factor in double damage from gear.
only the sin comes near the necros ability to shut down entire screens of monsters with dim vision or to his ability to cause confusion among the monsters to reduce to load on his minions.
please if anything an bow necro used a bow just becasue he needed something to do anyway

blizzard are not stupid they know people dont want to play their character in just one way so they have included options to make sure we can dabble in more then on area of expertize.
I was afraid that this would not be the case due to lack of information for stat customization before but now that we know about traits and the talisman it will be quite simple to tweak the stats of your character however you want it.|||Side note.
I can confirm that Monk can duel wield claws, it was feature during the crafting Sanctuary panel on the paperdoll.
Don't know if it has been mentioned elsewhere.
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