I'm sure you can (and will want to, since the game is about gear) put on a helmet that will cover up the beard.
Or you can play female. Or another class. Wow, the possibilities are endless!
But yes, I'm also not a huge fan of the beard... but not worried by it. As I said, plenty of options.|||Quote:
Yes,but isn't 100x times more logical that barbarian to have a bear too?
Look again. The Barbarian definitely has one.
Look again. The Barbarian definitely has one.
Of course he does, but since he's badass he takes care of it.Gotta look good before you cut the head of a few demons.|||Can someone make a beard-less Monk?
(My Photoshop is dead..)|||I can't believe we have 4 pages on the subject of a BEARD. Way to go nit-picking guys!
p.s. He looks like a mountain hermit. Win!|||He doesn't think that shaving is something necessary, after all it grows naturally and obstructing its grow is obstructing nature.
Well, it's either that or that Blizzard wanted to make him the only character that could pick philosophy as a career, and beards for such people surely do work.
Yay for the non-stereotypical monk, the one monk of Diablo 3!|||I like the artwork for him and the design of 'Old fashioned Eastern European meets Asian Monk'. Perhaps as they said they looked at fighting games for inspiration they didnt want him too look at an obvious clone of the Virtua Fighter 5 character.|||He's partially based on eastern European culture, so culturally speaking his beard makes sense. Also, 1) this is Diablo, and 2) this isn't a Korean MMORPG, therefore as few classes as possible should look like Zac Efron.|||If you've never met a muscular dude with a shaved head and a full beard, then you're just not going to be able to comprehend the manliness and intimidation level that such a look brings to the table. He looks like someone who couldn't decide between Dhalsim and Zangief, so he just combined the two looks. No complaints here.|||The beard makes him look like Grigori Rasputin.
Besides, I hear that under his beard there isn't a chin but only another fist!
Just like Chuck Norris.
(I hope everyone caught the reference)
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