1) Your off weapon ED calcs are wrong. You state a 100 damage weapon with 300% ED will do 400 damage (correct), you then state a 40% ed jewel in a helm will make this 440 damage (wrong). The 40% off weapon ED affects the modified weapon damage. So this would in fact be 560 damage. (This applies to D2, since this is all we have to go on).
2) You are comparing 40% off weapon ED to 40% Critical Strike. This is a faulty comparison, since ED% will be much higher than Critical Stike % in the majority of cases, and you will rarely have to pick between 40% ED and 40% Critical Strike.
3) Critical Strike is capped at 100%. ED is not.
4) Critical Strike is directly enhanced by ED and vice versa, as such maximising both is best.
5) Critical Strike is only affected by IAS with regards to frequency, not actual damage output. A 100 damage weapon attacking once a second with 25% Critical Strike will have an average DPS of 125, a 50 Damage weapon attacking twice a second with 25% Critical Strike will have an average DPS of 125. This is since the second weapon will proc Critical Strike twice as often, but it will only be half as much damage each time. This is nothing like Crushing Blow (which deals damage based on a % of life, in which case more procs are better).|||1. ED% is additive, not multiplicative. Total ED% would be 340%, not 300%, then 40% on that number.
That's how it works in D2. This should help you.
2. It's a comparison about which one to add. Crit is a far better option, and more ED% won't get the same result.
3. Not relevant.
4. Both would be nice, but be real. We have a limit on what we can add. It's a choice of one or the other. Crit is the most optimal of the two. If we could have CS capped and loads of ED% at the same time, none of this would be relevant.
The topic itself is about or.
5. Again, it isn't about both. It's about how one or the other helps.
Just in your example, one build has to completely double damage before DS just to match IAS. Like I mentioned before, both would be great to have, but not what's discussed here or going to be available all the time (especially since this revolves round traits).
Then there's the added effects crits may give that kemo brings up.|||1. The link you posted is exactly what I said. The ON Weapon ED of 300% increases the damage which is affected by [B]OFF[/B weapon ED such as on a helm, or skills.
2. It's completely relevant. Especially in this discussion about Traits. It's NOT going to be pick a trait that has 40% ED vs one that has 40% Crit Strike. It will be pick between one that does 30% Crit strike and one that does ED% based on how much Dex you can acquire. In this case Crit isn't always best, calculations need to be done to compare them.
3. It's completely relevant. ED% and CS% go hand in hand, and there will be no example where an individual will need to pick one or the other without already having a little bit of at least one. At which point the calculations become skewed, no point picking 30% CS if you already have 85-95% CS.
4. Except it's not a choice of one or the other. In the calculations you were trying to prove CS being best, you've already factored in ED%, which that CS then affects. If you want to "be real" and treat both as 0, then a 40% increase in damage 100% of the time will result in EXACTLY the same DPS over time as a 100% increase in damage 40% of the time. Simple maths is simple.
5. You're making very little sens here. If we take a base value of 50 Damage a Second. Character A focuses on IAS, getting 100% IAS, so dealing 50 Damage per Half-Second, so 100 Damage a Second, and character B focuses on ED%, getting 100% ED, so dealing 100 Damage a Second. Same IAS as ED%, adding Critical Strike to either of these will give the same DPS.
Or are you saying that ED% and CS% are mutually exclusive, as are ED% and IAS, but IAS and CS% aren't?|||1. Yes, it is affected: it gets added, not multiplied.
2. The trait has to do with base damage, or crit.
3, 4 & 5. Of course some will exist. I'm showing how more ED% won't be as good as more CS%. When faced with the choice, crit is way more powerful.
Then, IAS is your goal since that is going to help more than ED% will.|||1. Did you even read that calculation that you linked to? The parts in Bold are the parts you want to pay attention to:
(base weapon damage * weapon ED multiplicator)+(on/off weapon +min/max damage) ] * (1 + off-weapon ED/100 + STR(or DEX) multiplikator + skill ED)
Ignoring Str/Dex and Skill ED for the moment (since they're irrelevant in this discussion), the base weapon damage is first multiplied by ON weapon ED%, this total figure is THEN multiplied by OFF weapon ED%.
2. If the choice is betwee BASE damage or Crit % then in a majority of cases improving BASE damage is better (think Grief in D2), as this is THEN multiplied by off-weapon ED ans is further enhanced by any existing Crit %.
3, 4 & 5. You're generalising massively. 100% Crit is no more powerful than 100% ED when starting from a base of 0 % ED and 0% Crit. In fact, they are exactly the same. Additionally 40% ED AND 40% Crit is more damage than either 80% Crit or 80% ED. As such for the highest DPS you want to balance Crit and ED% if you have to choose.
Except it's not, since 100 DPS is 100 DPS, whether it's done in 1 or 2 hits. Only when you start factoring in other procs does IAS matter. And then you're ignoring facts such as no of hits required for a kill, overkill etc.|||I see your mistake. You read Fort armor and assumed it was on the weapon.|||Quote:
I see your mistake. You read Fort armor and assumed it was on the weapon.
My Mistake? Nowhere do you mention Fortitude armour, a ctrl-f for Fort only brings up the quoted post. Additionally the following is a direct quote from you. You state 300% ON the weapon.
300% ED on that weapon is 400 damage resulting. Add a helm with a 40%ED jewel in it. Your damage is 440.
So yeah, nice attempt at a dodge, but unfortunately you fail.
No reply to the other points? Or have you come to the realisation that both ED% and Crit% are important?
You previously state this too:
When you have a big weapon and it has...IDK 300ED% since it's really good.|||Is the critical strike not the % chance to do double damage? So comparising it with %ed is bad idea in my opinion.
Base damage:100. Hits 5.
With 40% ed: 5x140=700 damage.
With 40% cs: 3x100 + 2x200=700 dmg. 3 hits wihtout crit and 2 with crit
Both modifiers are important and they don't restrain each other. So what's the point of this discussion? Get them both, and like Arbedark said - crit is capped at 100% chance. So You don't need more. If it will be possible of course to get to that 100

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